Thursday, February 25, 2010

A First Foray Into Fondont

Everywhere I look lately I see fondont. Blog posts, bakeries, and all over television. For the last little while I've been saying to myself "man I gotta try that!". And after much talking and thinking, I've finally ventured into the wonderful world of fondont. Another thing to check off my to do list.

Kristine (also known as "my brothers girlfriend" but we try to call her by her actual name every now and then) messaged me a little while ago to inform me of a recent purchase of hers. She had scored a really neat cake decorating book that takes you through all the different ways you can work with fondont and gum paste. Naturally it was up to the two of us to test out this book.

We gathered on a Saturday. We stirred, baked, rolled and decorated to our hearts content. And even though my cakes may not have been decorating perfection...I loved them anyway. It probably helped that they were delicious.

A few points that we learned about cake decorating:
1) There is a lot of waiting involved if you do not make your cakes ahead of time. So bake your cake the day before and store in the freezer so you can get right to the decorating part.
2) Kristine likes watching Cake Boss and thus will refer to the crumb coat as "dirty icing".

3) Leftover royal icing does not settle well in your stomach when eaten straight out of the bowl
4) Flour your counter in moderation lest your workstation becomes a winter wonderland
5) When eating your cake keep your fork ready and your eyes on your significant other...they will steal your last bite of cake right out from under your nose the minute you are distracted

6) Cake. Is. Wonderful.

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