Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cool As A Curried Cauliflower Sandwich.

Okay here it is, the moment you've all [but mostly just Liz ;)] have been waiting for. A non dessert post. And let me tell you now....it's lovely, and it goes by the name of Sweet Curry Cauliflower Sandwich.

There is this awesome little button called Stumblupon that I like to use when I am bored. It takes me to all sorts of things: LOLcats, web comics, artwork, history, and most importantly other food blogs. So when I state that I stumbled upon this recipe...I really did. It comes courtesy of Gabrielle at Honest Fare, who was kind enough to let me post it here.

I find the idea of cauliflower in a sandwich very intreaguing and slightly unconventional, which naturally I am drawn to. Plus this sandwich is super tasty and very easy to make. The cauliflower is cooked perfectly. Soft enough to enjoy but still with some crunch to it, the red onion offsets the curry beautifully and the cheese brings it all together with it's ooey-gooey-yumminess.

When I first read the recipe I immediately thought of my cauliflower-loving neighbor Liz and how much she would probably enjoy such a meal. Initially I was going to try to make it for the first time with her, but our schedules are busy and I am adorably impatient. So I went ahead without her and spent an evening relishing in the wonderfulness that is cauliflower. So officially this post is dedicated to her.

Sweet Curry Cauliflower Sandwich
Adapted from this recipe at Honest Fare

  • 1 Head cauliflower
  • Half a red onion
  • Pita Bread
  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 TBSP curry powder
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 3 TBSP water
  • 3 TBSP olive oil
  • 1/4 cup raisins roughly chopped
  • Part of a cucumber thinly sliced
  • Handful Cherry Tomatoes(to serve on the side or place inside)
  • Provolone cheese
  • Pinch Salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Combine cayenne pepper, curry powder, honey, water, olive oil, and salt.

Slice cauliflower and red onion. Place on a baking sheet and cover on both sides with the sauce. (I tried to leave the cauliflower in big flat pieces so I could easily slather in sauce and flip them quickly while they were in the oven, then cut them a bit smaller once they were cooked.)

Bake for 8-10 minutes, turn over and bake another 8-10 minutes. Add the chopped raisins and bake an additional 5 minutes.

Place cheese and cucumber slices into the pita with the cauliflower mixture. At this point I put my sandwich into my George Foreman grill (I find the only use I really have for it is a sandwich/wrap press). If you don't have a sandwich press you can press the pita a bit then stick it back into the oven for a couple minutes to help melt the cheese and crisp it up.

(not the most attractive picture I know and certainly doesn't do it justice)

I served it with some cherry tomatoes on the side. Then promptly finished it and went back into the kitchen to stand over the counter picking more off of the baking sheet. Needless to say it will most likely become part of my regular repertoire.


  1. I noticed you post this yesterday - and in the wonderful world of food coincidences I thought you should know I made a very similar recipe the night before - minus the cheese. I think you're really on to something with the cheese.

  2. I definitely recommend the cheese...but I must admit, my love for cheese in general gives me a slight bias. Not that I feel it is a bad thing.
