Monday, April 27, 2009

Baseball, Bobbleheads and Pasta Sandwiches

I have been rather lax with my blog this past week. In my defense it has been hectic and I have been prone to naps instead of blogging. I doubt this week will be much better, but I will try in earnest to remedy this fact. So this post is about a week late, and possibly not as good as it deserves to be, but I am hoping you won't hold it against me (*fingers crossed*).

A week ago Sunday I hit up the baseball game with Cory. It was Lyle Overbay Bobblehead Day (yes it does deserve capitalization) and despite the pesky pigeons on the field harassing Rios, the Jays won. We ate some radioactive popcorn and a pretzel shaped hunk of undercooked-over-salted dough. I spent a good portion of the day texting back and forth with Liz who was also there, up in the 500 level, plotting to attack some poor unsuspecting fan in hopes of procuring a bobblehead of her very own (which she missed getting probably by minutes). Luckily for her I'm such a super nice neighbor that I generously donated my bobblehead to her cause and probably saved a fans life (or at the very least Jen Davis' sanity). Afterward we all went out for a pint, and Liz invited us back to her place for a small (but important) dinner party being held in the name of Chris Jackson and Pasta Sandwiches.

Now there are a couple things you need to know to really grasp the importance of this dinner:

1. There were meatballs made in the slow cooker by Liz (who is a steadfast, minus a caesar or two, vegetarian).

My infamous neighbor Liz as she constructs greatness

2. The concept of the pasta sandwich was thought up by Liz, Chris and their friend Nadine during their adventure to New Orleans. It has been explained to me how it came about, but I don't think I could tell it quite like Liz does.

I won't lie, I totally made Chris take a picture of the buns. I saw them sitting there all photogenic and knew what had to be done.

3. Everyone took a slightly different approach to the construction of their sandwich. Some on a white bun, some on whole wheat. Some of us had the meatball sauce, others the mushroom, and still some combined both. I ate my salad on my sandwich, while others kept theirs on the side. My glorious creation (pictured below) was stacked perfectly, enabling me to eat it with my hands, others resorted to a fork and knife.

The mighty pasta sandwich guarded by non other then the Lyle Overbay Bobblehead.

4. No matter how you stack it, the Pasta Sandwich is nothing but carb-filled deliciousness.

Due to the memory card in my camera dying a horrible horrible death, all pictures of said meal are provided by Mr. Chris Jackson and his handy iPhone. Huzzah.


  1. In other news, I like the layout! Its coming along nicely!

  2. A brave attempt by brave, brave souls. I will not give up. The yumminess factor alone dictates that we continue to massage this recipe. Different breads, different pastas... sure to be a hit. © and ® and Patent Pending

    P.S. Thanks for the photo credit - classy.
